Monday 21 November 2011

The Rock’s Still Got it!

Last night the world saw what we thought would never happen, John Cena the most controversial Superstar in Sports Entertainment tagged with, The Rock, the most Electrifying man in all Sports Entertainment.

After 7 years FINALLY! The Rock has come back! Back in his Brahma ball tights, padded up and boots tied the Rock was ready to step back into the squared circle and perform again for the millions, AND MILLIONS of fans world wide. And guess what? He still got it!
Rocky didn’t miss a step throughout, a perfect performance from the future Hall of Famer.

Unfortunately though, this was all the event was about and was what everyone wanted to see, this brought a dead crowd for most other matches bar one other.

The event started with a pretty decent opening contest between Dolph Ziggler and John Morrison for the US Championship in what may have been Morrison’s last match in the WWE.
Morrison’s contract apparently ends in just 2 weeks and he still hasn’t resigned with WWE, he has also been taken out of all up and coming tour dates.
We may be seeing John take a walk to Dixie Carter’s TNA, epically since he didn’t come away with US Title.
The crowd made it known though that they wanted Zack Ryder.

This lead into an interesting and reasonable contest between Divas Beth Phoenix and Eve, the ring was surrounded by most of the other Divas as this match was a Lumberjill match but other than a couple moments they weren’t really needed.
The two women performed very well and the finish was a great one for a Divas match. We saw Beth glam slam Eve from the turnbuckle in a more high risk move than usual for a Divas contest.
The Divas continue their slow improvement and there storylines are becoming more interesting to watch, not to mention that Sex Appeal is also getting higher. More reviling clothing is coming back and the use of Sexier taunts and kinkier moves coming into play more often e.g. Eve shaking her booty before her standing moonsault and Kelly’s personal version of the Stick Face, it’s not overly needed but I’m not going to complain.

We then had a classic Rock promo from backstage, promoting the main match of the night which the crowd were buzzing for.

Next we lead into the classic Survivor Series match up, 5 on 5 elimination tag, Team Barrett vs. Team Orton.
The match started pretty strong but only for the first elimination which was Dolph Ziggler, we then lead into a typical team work moment and Kofi and Sin Cara went and jumped over the top rope onto Jack Swagger and Hunico. Unfortunately Sin Cara did not make it over the rope properly and injured himself in the process.
He ruptured his Patella Tendon and will be now out for 6 to 9 months, where this will leave the Hunico story is now a bit of a mystery.
As soon as that happened the match fell apart as all choreography that was planned was basically thrown out the window as Sin Cara had  to leave the match, and all the superstars had to improvise to get to a point that they could continue on with the original plan, which wasn’t until a lot later.
The momentum dropped drastically and the pace slowed killing the crowd in the process.
Respect to all the superstars though for keeping the match going the best they could but it really did bring down the show.
The choreography seemed to return when the match was down to Kofi, Orton and Sheamus vs. Barrett, Swagger, Rhodes and Hunico.
Even so the match still didn’t liven the crowd back up.
Kofi was soon eliminated followed by Sheamus by DQ for not breaking a 5 count on the ropes. Before leaving he booted Swagger for him to be eliminated leaving Randy in a 3 on 1 situation.
Hunico was out next after jumping off the top ropes and being caught in an RKO, but Barrett and Rhodes took advantage and picked up the win.

The ring was then “reinforced” for Big Show and Mark Henry’s rematch for the World Title. Nowhere near as impressive as before, the match was dull and bought “boring” chants from the crowd.
It ended in DQ as Mark Henry struck Show with a low blow.
It didn’t end there as Mark attempted to break Show’s leg in a steel chair as he did at Money in the Bank. He did not succeed this time as Show was able to move out the way in time. After getting the upper hand Mark found his leg trapped in the steel chair and Big Show stomps on it.
What could be next in this storyline as it I feel it has run its course? Not to mention with Mark having his leg smashed could we see him unable to defend the title?

After a humorous promo from R-Truth and The Miz we lead into the second biggest match of the night, CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio.
The crowd was buzzing for this one and CM Punk got the same reaction from the crowd as he did back at Money in the Bank, and to make things even more interesting CM Punk had his own personal ring announcer, the legend that is, The Fink.
The match livened the crowd back up and CM Punk and Del Rio put on a great one on one contest showing that Punk is still the best in the world.
The match had some close calls at the end but it was the Anaconda Vice on Del Rio that gave Punk the win and the WWE Championship.
Big celebration for Punk as the crowd went wild and Punk jumped into the fans twice in celebration.

Next the time had come for the main event, The Rock, John Cena, never before, never again.
Rocky was last out and the crowd went nuts and the focus was completely on him almost throughout. Rocky could have been tagged with Vickie Guerrero and facing Santino and Hornswoggle and the match would have still got the same reaction.
The Rock started the match and absolutely dominated Miz and Truth as he threw the two around the ring in classic fashion proving that he still got what it takes to perform in a WWE ring.
When Cena was tagged in the crowd was not best pleased, all they wanted was Rocky.
Cena was in the ring for a while mainly getting dominated by Miz and Truth after his good start.
Cena got his usual reaction from the crowd, a mixture of “You can’t wrestle”, “Let’s go Cena, Cena Sucks” and “We want Rocky”.
When Rocky was tagged back in the crowd went wild again, Rocky continued to pull out his classic moves, DDT, signature punches, a Rock bottom and a Sharp Shooter.
It all came to an end with the spine buster and the most electrifying move in all Sports Entertainment, the Peoples Elbow.
After the Pin the Rock celebrated in the ring and Cena clapped half way up the rump.
Rocky signals for the music to be turned down and calls Cena back in the ring. The two take turns taunting to get the obvious reactions from the crowd, boo’s for Cena, cheers for Rock.
A stare down came and the two spoke to each other but it all came down to a Rock Bottom on Cena to end the show.

Overall the show was pretty bland, the only matches worth watching in the end was Cena, Rock and the WWE Championship match. Other than that nothing really great happened. The injury to Sin Cara was a big factor in this because if he hadn’t got hurt we may have had a more full and exciting Survivor Series match that would of kept the show going. Not to mention all the firkin Twitter updates that kept popping up were unnecessary and annoying as hell.

I rate the event 4 out of 5 stars.

Questions for you.

What did you think of the event?

What do you think is next in the storylines for CM Punk, Rocky, John Cena, Mark Henry and Big Show?

Do you think the Rock’s still got it?

That’s it for now Matty.D signing off.

1 comment:

  1. in terms of cena and the rock this really opens up their wrestlemaina fued and the excitement is building, i think that there will be a cena vs punk match for the wwe championship which will creat a major buzz for cenas maina match (as long as he wins and keeps hold of it untill maina). with respect to mark henry it depends on how 'bad' his leg is but i feel a breef case being cashed in around the corner. I dont know what the big show will do but he will probally come out on smackdown and start bitching on how he had the match won and then henry took the easy way out. like you said the 5 on 5 elimination match would have been better had sin cara not injured his knee. personally i think your 4 out of 5 star raitin was being a bit kind i would have only given it 3 amt most with the last 2 matchis being the only good ones and the initial match seeming to be too short they could have done so much morw with it. and finally the rock deffintly still has it and he is looking better then ever. cant wait for the next event it should hopefully be a good one.
