Tuesday 13 December 2011

Masked Kane Returns!

You read that title right, Masked Kane is back! Last night on the special 3 hour addition of Raw for the Slammy’s came to a close with Kane’s return, or should I say resurrection. Kane returned during the final match of the night of Mark Henry vs. John Cena. During the match Fire boomed on the stage and the lights went out, Kane’s video played and his music blared as Kane appeared at the top of the ramp wearing new wrestling gear and strange black mask. He came to the ring and Mark was quick to leave. Cena still groggy receives a Choke Slam. Kane then blasts his Fire from the ring posts, the lights turn red and the music plays again as Kane lifts the black mask to reveal another mask underneath similar to his last before he was unmasked way back when. Not only was Kane re-masked but he has also grown his hair out to old style and length.
The night also saw the reappearance of Road Dogg, Lita, Mick Foley and Tony Atlas to present different awards throughout the night.

The night started with Booker T and the now speaking Hornswoggle presenting the award for the “Tell Me I Did NOT Just See That” Moment of the year.
The winner was Good Ol’ J.R for his dancing skills against Michael Cole. This lead into a shockingly bad “Rap Battle” Between J.R and Cole, even worst so because J.R forgot his rap which he tweeted later.

Next Mick Foley and “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase Sr. presented the award for Holy S#@! Moment of the year.
The winner was Mark Henry and Big Show for the ring collapse at Vengeance. Big Show accepted the award before he went to head to head with Wade Barrett.
The match ended on a DQ as Wade brings a chair to the ring to have it punched back into his face.

Pipe Bomb of the year was next presented by former DX member Road Dogg, not someone I expected to see on WWE TV again yet there he was but I don’t think we will see much of him again.
The winner of the award was the creator of the phrase “Pipe Bomb” CM Punk.
He accepted the award accompanied by a manikin dressed like John Laurinaitis back in his wrestling days. CM Punk proceeded to embarrass the Interim GM by showing a very cheesy tribute video featuring clips from John’s wrestling days as well as time as head of talent relations.

Next up was the great looking Lita, a Diva from the past that was actually able to perform. If you don’t know who Lita is or what she can do look her up. This woman has fought in Steel Cages, gone through tables, flipped from the top rope on numerous occasions as well as almost breaking her neck jumping out of the ring and hitting the barricade. Lita is what current Divas should aim to be like.
Lita presented the award for Most Divalicous Moment of the year. Kelly Kelly won for a roll up pin to win her first Title but in my opinion it is an honor that should have gone to one of the Divas of Doom. Natalya was in the nominations for performing a Sharp Shooter on Eve and Alicia Fox at the same time and Beth was nominated for her top rope Glam Slam from Survivor Series.
The Divas champ and former Diva of the year Beth accompanied by Natalya came out to mock Kelly but Beth got a Slap for her troubles.

Santino Marella and the Bella twins presented the award for OMG moment of the year. The winner being Undertaker for kicking out of the Tombstone at Wrestlemania which was delivered by Triple H.
The Undertaker obviously wasn’t there but Triple H was. After being absent for the last 7 weeks on injury the King of Kings made his return and cut a great promo for his match against Kevin Nash this Sunday.

Next was the award for Trending star of the year presented by Tony Atlas and David Otunga. This was more unique award. The winner of the award would be the superstar that Trends first on Twitter during their Fatal 4 Way match.
The participants were, Zack Ryder, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes and Daniel Bryan. The match was brilliant and was the best match of the night by far.
The winner of the match was Dolph Ziggler but winner of the Slammy was Zack Ryder.
Zack’s celebration was short lived though as Dolph attacked Zack taking the Slammy for himself.

The injured Christian was next to present the award for Game Changer of the Year. The winner was The Rock for accepting John Cena’s challenge for Wrestlemania next year. The Rock was obviously not present so John Cena accepted the award on his behalf and took the chance to put more heat on their match to happen next year.

The Miz and Alberto Del Rio tagged up to take on their TLC opponent and WWE Champion CM Punk who was teamed with the Viper Randy Orton.
Miz and Alberto picked up the win after Wade Barrett pulled Randy off the apron.
After the match Randy went after Barrett leaving Punk in the hands of Alberto and Miz. Punk soon found himself with his arm locked in a ladder as Alberto applies an Arm Bar.

Goldust and Vicki Guerrero presented the award for WWE A-Lister of the Year. The winner was Snookie from Jersey Shore for her appearance and match at Wrestlemania.
Snookie accepted the award via a Satellite message.

Sheamus was meant to have a match next against Jinder Mahal, but Jinder was running his mouth as he came to the ring and as he stepped through the ropes Sheamus booted him in the face and  left.

Rey Mysterio presented the biggest award of the night, Superstar of the Year. The reason it’s the biggest isn’t because it’s Superstar of the Year but because us the fans actually got to vote for this one.
CM Punk won as he is the Best in the World, better than all other superstars of this generation.
After Punk’s recent beating he was unable to accept the award so John Laurinaitis came and accepted on Punk’s behalf.


Well this weekend will see WWE’s last PPV of the Year TLC. Here is a quick list of the matches.

Intercontinental Championship
Cody Rhodes vs. Booker T

That’s right Booker T is making his way from the announcers table and to the Ring. Booker has annoyed us all for months with his drivel as a commentator but it will be great to see him back where he should be, in the ring.
Let’s hope he keeps wrestling and stops commentating altogether.

US Championship
Dolph Ziggler vs. Zack Ryder

After a lot of fighting Zack Ryder finally gets his shot at the US Title, but to get it John Cena had to give up his place in the WWE Championship match.
John Cena doesn’t have a match at all at this PPV, something that doesn’t happen very often while he is an active superstar. Expect a promo from him and some backstage appearances throughout Sundays show.

Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett

This feud has been getting hotter over the past few weeks and I think we are in for a great match. Randy is meant to pick the stipulation for the match but still has not announced anything. Signs point to a Table match. If Wade wins expect him to set his sights on the World Title.

Triple H vs. Kevin Nash
Sledgehammer Ladder Match

This is a more unique match, instead of a championship or briefcase hanging above the ring a Sledgehammer will be in its place.
You don’t win though by retrieving the Hammer like you would in your standard Ladder match; the person who retrieves it is legally allowed to use it. The winner will come when one man pins or submits the other.
It’s an interesting concept but I feel it may ruin the aspect of a Ladder match. The enjoyment of a Ladder match comes from the fight and struggle to retrieve the item above the ring, as retrieving the Sledge doesn’t win the match I feel we may lose some of that suspense.
Either way it will be great to see these two classic stars step back into the ring.

World Heavyweight Championship
Mark Henry vs. Big Show
Chairs Match

I am hoping that the chairs will make this match better than there last encounter but I don’t have high hopes for this match. That being said with the return of Kane we may see him get involved and possibly cost Mark the World Title.

WWE Championship
CM Punk vs. The Miz vs. Alberto Del Rio
Triple Threat TLC

What should be a great match is the first ever Triple Threat TLC, even though we are in a PG era this should still shine.
Like I said before John Cena was meant to be in this match but he gave up his place to give Zack another chance to get a match for the US Title. It is good to actually have him out of the spot light for once and shine the light on other members of the WWE, it won’t be long though and he will be back in top position.


For my American readers that is a British date, for you it is 1/2/2012. The reason I bring this date up is because it marks the return of another superstar. The teasers that have been on YouTube as well as during shows suggest Undertaker but to be sure we will have to wait till the 2nd of Jan 2012.

Questions For you.

How do you feel about Kane’s return and his new look?

Do you agree with the Slammy results?

Who you think will be returning in 2012?

That’s all for now Matty.D signing off.

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