Monday 30 January 2012

Sheamus Wins Royal Rumble!

Last night we started on the road to Wrestlemania. To kick it into gear we start with the Royal Rumble, a very predictable match this year, other than the result.

Going into this one everyone was thinking Jericho to win as all his cryptic messages and funny actions had to lead to something big. That being the case Jericho came in at 29 and was one of the last two standing in the ring along with Sheamus.
The final minutes were the best part of the whole match as Jericho and Sheamus duked it out in a great battle for the Mania spot and every time one of them was on the ropes we was on the edge of our seats (well at least I was).
Even through all that we were all still thinking, Jericho to win, so imagine our surprise when the Great White Sheamus takes him out and secures his spot for a Championship match at Mania.
So a Surprising result but where does this leave Jericho? What’s left for Jericho to do? Because as far as I can see the World as I know it, has not come to an end, rendering all the messages and actions pointless.

The rest of the match was quite predictable, the match was filled with the usual midcarders for fillers, as I predicted in my last blog all 3 announcers Jerry Lawler, Booker T and Michael Cole jumped in, one Diva appearance from the monstrous Kharma (Awesome Kong), Mick Foley made his appearance and we saw the Cobra vs. Mr Socko in the progress.
Alongside that losers from the title matches made there appearances Dolph coming in mid-way through and Big Show stepping in number 30.
Slightly less predictable but not really surprising or impactful entries were Ricardo Rodriguez, Road Dogg and Hacksaw Jim Duggan.

Overall the match its self didn’t have anything big or surprising, no big returning superstars, no game changers and nothing amazing really happened. It was entertaining so to speak but something we love about the Rumble is unpredictability which this did somewhat lack.

Other than the Rumble itself there were only 3 others main matches as well as 2 small ones.
The evening started with the Steel Cage Triple Threat for the World Title, a Triple Threat though that was more focused on two men as Mark Henry may have sustained an injury this past week on SmackDown.
The match wasn’t amazing and it ended on Daniel Bryan pulling it out of his ass.

Next was an average 8 Divas tag match seeing the team of Beth Phoenix, Natalya and the Bella Twins take on Kelly Kelly, Eve, Alicia Fox and Tamina.
The match was of good length and saw Beth’s Team take the win after a Glam Slam to Kelly Kelly.

Next was Kane vs. John Cena the match was of reasonable standard but ended in a no contest as the two of the fought up the ramp to the backstage area.
This lead to more over the top involvement of the apparent injured Zack Ryder.
Kane smashed his way into the obvious set that was Zack’s Dressing room, hit him a few times then rolled him out to the arena in his wheel chair.
Once in the ring in front of the now crying Eve, who had ran down to the ring, gave Zack a less than brilliant Tomb Stone Pile Driver.
John Cena finally came running back from the backstage area but just received a Choke Slam leaving Kane the only man standing.
Once again very over the top and this time very unrealistic, for a man who has apparently broken his back Zack was able to move quite well other than being in a wheel chair, he didn’t have a neck brace on and the body harness he was wearing looked more like toy body armour for kids going to play paint ball than something that you would wear to support your back. And in all honesty if you broke your back on Monday you would still be in the Hospital today.

Before the WWE Championship match we had another short filler, burring Drew McIntyre further and promoting Brodus Clay with another win.

Before the Rumble one match remained, CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler with John Laurinaitis as Ref, that soon changed though as John changed himself from Ref to an overseer, in other words he would stand outside the ring and watch the action to make sure the Ref in the ring does his job.
The match was a good one, but at the moment any match with Dolph or CM Punk in is a good one.
The match was going well until the Ref was taken out and falls out the ring.
While John checked on him CM Punk makes Dolph tap in the ring to the cobra clutch which goes unseen. Next CM Punk gets a roll up which lasts longer than a 3 count that also goes unseen, followed by a Go To Sleep and a pin that also gets missed.
Dolph almost took it once the Ref was back up with a great looking reversal into the Zig Zag but luckily CM Punk kicked out.
Another GTS later and Punk takes the win.
Will Johnny still have his job as GM though? Find out tomorrow night on Raw when Triple H comes back to our screens.

I rate this PPV, 3 out 5 stars, pretty average and not amazing.

Questions for you.

What did you think? Was this a Rumble to remember?

That’s all for now Matty.D singing off!

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