Monday 19 December 2011

Daniel Bryan is the World Heavyweight Champion!

That’s right last night at the conclusion of Big Show vs. Mark Henry, Bryan cashed in his Money in the Bank and stole the world title away, not from Mark but from Big Show.
Show had finally won the world title for the first time in about 9 years to be knocked out by Mark and then have his gold snatched away by Daniel Bryan.

The event itself was good but it did seem to miss some chaos that we are used to on this sort of PPV.

The event kicked off with Zack Ryder taking on US Champion Dolph Ziggler in what was a great opening contest.
The Long Island Ice Z finally got his shot and finally walked away with the US Title his first singles championship in WWE. Zack’s future is looking bright but let’s hope he doesn’t burn out like John Cena did.

After that match we cut back stage to Booker talking to Alicia Fox and getting attacked by Cody.
Cody obviously trying to avoid the match later in the night or just making sure Booker is not at 100%.

Next was a Tag Team match for the WWE Tag Titles finally seeing AirBoom back in action after Evan’s suspension.
On screen it looks like it would be any normal match but a lot may have been hanging in the balance other than the titles.
As Evan had been recently suspended for failing the drug test WWE may not have wanted to keep him with a title and push him down the cards, this could of lead to the removal of AirBoom and also Kofi suffering as well. If AirBoom were to lose at TLC all of that could have happened. Luckily AirBoom did win and retain the Tag Titles.
With their new T-Shirts and other merchandise the future of AirBoom may be bright.
Their opponents, Primo and Epico also looked to have a future in the Tag division performing well and showing classic style and personality. Rosa Mendez is also a welcome addition to the team. Looks like Hunico or Sin Cara Negro has been dropped from this story and pushed down the cards to Superstars as his main rival is out on injury.

Next was a pretty good Tables match between Wade Barrett and The Viper Randy Orton.
It was a good back and forth contest but it was Randy who took the win with a surprise RKO as Wade jumped from the turnbuckle to slam Randy through a table below him. Randy’s Snake like reflexes came into play as he sprang from the table catching Barrett and coming down in an RKO causing Barrett’s legs to go through table.
Not the most brilliant of endings but acceptable.

Beth Phoenix emerged next to take on former Divas Champ Kelly Kelly.
A much better Divas contest again seeing another longer than usual match up and both Kelly and Beth shone through out.
The ending was a bit messy but Beth came out the victor.

Booker T made his way to the ring next to once again in be jumped by Cody and be taken to the back by trainers. The match looked like it would never happen.

With that match once again on hold we move into the Sledgehammer Ladder match between Triple H and Kevin Nash which was a match that really did show its age.
Kevin Nash being in his early 50s and Triple H being early 40s neither are in their prime, this showed more on Kevin than it did Triple H. If this match was being fought just a few years prior the limits could have been pushed further and I would have found it more entertaining, but it just lacked that buzz that the two men used to bring back in the day.
Triple H was the man to grab the Sledge and use it on Kevin, after a pedigree and another hit from the hammer Triple H took the win.

Earlier in the night Jack and Sheamus had a promo resulting in the next match. It was nothing special but was entertaining, a good way of showcasing both men and put a push on Sheamus further up the ranks as he won with a boot to Jacks face.

Mark Henry went head to head with Big Show next which would be there third encounter.
Big Show “hurt” his hand early on being played out well by the big man and became Marks focus of the match.
The match was short and lacked buzz but Big Show took the win after still being able to knock Mark out with the injured hand.
During celebration Mark attacks Big Show and DDT’s show onto a pile of Chairs. The crowd saw it coming as chants for Daniel Bryan came from the front row. Daniel was down the ramp quick as lighting and cashed in on the downed Big Show, no work needed just a quick pin and Big Show’s title reign came to an end before it even began.
Big Show stayed in the ring stunned but didn’t seem angry, but Bryan may have just put himself between a rock and a hard place a Triple Threat for the World Title maybe in the foreseeable future maybe even a Fatal 4 Way depending on what happens with Kane.

Booker T was then shown backstage saying he will still go ahead with his match. So next up is the young vs. old, Cody vs. Booker T.
Even with the two attacks Bookers character didn’t show much of the effects and Bookers performance was just as good as it has ever been.
Booker did lose to the second generation star but let’s hope he stays in the ring and off the announcers table.

Lastly was an interesting Triple Threat TLC match for the WWE Title. In my opinion it did lack that buzz again but it was a good match that saw some rather unique moments.
During the match Ricardo tried to climb a ladder and retrieve the title on behalf of Alberto Del Rio. He was cut short by CM Punk, after being stopped though Ricardo handcuffed Punk to the Ladder, Alberto then attempted to climb the ladder and CM Punk was forced to break the ladder in a way of escape and stopped Del Rio in the process.
Now free from the ladder Punk spent the rest of the match wearing the handcuff which became a handy weapon.
Later Punk found himself handcuffed to the second turnbuckle of the ring by the Miz, while stuck in his predicament Alberto and Miz attempt to retrieve the Belt. CM Punk’s only way of freeing himself was to remove the turnbuckle altogether, which he did.
As Del Rio and Miz fought atop two ladders Punk undid the turnbuckle as quickly as possible, as soon as it was undone the second rope flopped to the mat and Punk made a dash up the ladders.
He stopped Miz and Alberto sending them back to the mat and then climbed down and gave Miz a GTS.
Quickly back up the ladder and the Title stays with CM Punk.

A great end to this PPV.

Overall I give this a 3.5 out of 5 stars, although it was a solid PPV it still lacked a buzz and chaos that we are used to for this style of PPV.


Now 2012 is just round the corner and the date looms for the return of a Superstar, or someone else.
I have been doing some looking around seeing what people’s theories and predictions are and 3 in particular stand out.
The most obvious one is Chris Jericho, relating to the wording and his original entrance to the WWE as Y2J as 2000 was meant to be the end and everyone was on about Y2K. The (Y)ear 2012 (2)nd of (J)anuary in the video is claimed to be the end of the world as we know it, and he will come back and claim what is his. Other videos mention best in the world which is what he claimed to be. So maybe he will come to claim that name from CM Punk who is the current best in the world as well as the WWE title?
Theory number 2 is Batista. One of the passages read in the one of the clips is from what is called the Leviathan which was one of Batista’s early ring names.
The last theory, and most unlikely is Shane McMahon and the end of the PG era. The little girl that is in the latest video is meant to tell us when this person will arrive, who could that little girl be representing? Signs could point to Stephanie and there for the person being bought back maybe Shane. Claiming what is his could be in regards to him being the true heir to WWE and taking it back from Triple H and/or John Laurinaitis. Bringing the end to the world as we know it may refer to the end to the PG Era.
All of the above is theory and are rumours from across the web and nothing is of course confirmed.
That being said in my opinion I think it will be Chris Jericho as he is the most obvious even though he has said that he is in Hawaii on the date.

Questions for you.

So what did you think of TLC?

What are your theories on the 2012 return?

Well this will be my last blog of the year so I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New (Y)ear, we wait to see what (2)012 will bring and I will see you in (J)anuary.

Matty.D signing off for 2011!

1 comment:

  1. I am also expecting that Chris Jericho is behind all of this and you gave a reasonable theory.
