Friday 6 August 2010

Kiss Kiss

NXT this week saw a brand new NXT challenge. That’s right LayCool hosted a kissing challenge! But no the rookies didn’t have to kiss Layla or McCool, no they had to kiss a rather large women, with moles and other things on her face, complete with a unibrow, named Margarita.
Now you may think “oh no another rubbish segment from the WWE humiliating there stars!” But the segment wasn’t as bad as it was original made out to be.
LayCool performed well and so did the rookies making the segment quite funny, I was laughing through most of it as each rookie went in for a kiss with the lady. The segment showed there ability to perform in unpleasant situations.

After the opening segment we led into the first match of the night. Husky Harris vs. Kaval.
The match wasn’t too great this time; in fact it was the worst performance I’ve seen from Kaval since joining NXT. He also messed up not just one move, but three. When climbing up Husky early on Kaval slightly muffed up, (this may have been due to Husky), when he jumped the top rope to be caught by Husky he didn’t let go of the top rope in time, then later when jumping to the second rope in the corner he missed and landed on the bottom rope.
Regardless of all of his errors this week I still say he should be number one.

We had a backstage moment where Lucky Cannon and Michael McGillicutty argued about who should get to face The Miz. This led into The Miz and Kofi arguing via the big screen in another funny moment as well. I do feel that Kofi is evolving as a superstar.
Lucky Cannon later went against Michael McGillicutty to decide who would get the Miz at the end of the night.
McGillicutty won after a short fight nailing his impressive looking finisher that looks better and better every time he does it.

We then had “Showtime” Percy Watson vs. Alex Riley. I would say this may have been the best match of the night, Alex Riley picked up the win.

Lastly we had McGillicutty vs. Miz in another good match making me like McGillicutty more than before, but I still agree with Miz. Miz picked up the win after the Skull Crushing Finale and bringing McGillicutty’s win streak to an end and bringing an end to the show.

In other news Chris Jericho spoke about the Nexus and other Wrestling subjects in a Radio interview.
To read more about that go to:

Also Vince comments on WWE’s latest earnings which are lower than before yet again, Vince seems to be making lame excuses about the economy and even blaming the Volcano that erupted this year, instead of admitting to the fact that they are facing competition from TNA, and that the PG rating has pulled the shows down. I just wonder how long it will be till Vince realises the real issues and makes changes for the better.
To read more on that go to:

Tonight’s SmackDown! Will see Kofi Kingston take on Dolph Ziggler with the Intercontinental Championship on the line. I see Dolph winning so we can see the rematch at SummerSlam.

That’s all for now Matty.D signing off.

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