Friday 13 August 2010

Out of Luck.

Before I start I know that some of you didn’t agree with last weeks NXT blog, but remember we are all entitled to our own opinions and mine was different from yours.

Any way this week saw an interesting NXT with a great rookie match.

The show started with a new NXT challenge. The challenge was a power of the punch challenge. The crowd didn’t quite get behind it but it didn’t last long. Alex Riley won the challenge and won the prize of appearing on Raw with out the rest of the rookies, it will be a good way to push his character.

During an ad break Miz and Morrison shared words in regards to the SummerSlam situation, it lead into the main event of the night being created, Miz vs. Morrison.

We then had the best match of the night as we see another 6 man tag match, a return match from Mondays Raw.
The match was a lot better than Raw’s match. The main man once again was Kaval but all the rookies shone in this match, it was a shame that we were losing yet another one later in the night.
We saw Lucky fly over the top rope in an awesome flying cross body, and Kaval did his usual kung fu style moves and locked in an interesting submission move on McGillicutty. All things went off track there as all the rookies fought and cleared the ring so Kaval can finish the match and receive his first win of the season.

Next was the main event as Miz took on John Morrison.
A great contest showing how good these rising stars are, unfortunately it doesn’t show any unity so if Miz ends up on team WWE at SummerSlam he most probably won’t gel well with his team mates.
Miz won after Morrison missed a kick to Miz and receiving a Skull Crashing Finale.

Last thing we saw of the show was the NXT poll, here are the results.

1. Kaval
2. Michael McGillicutty
3. “Showtime” Percy Watson
4. Husky Harris
5. Alex Riley
6. Lucky Cannon

As you can see we waved goodbye to the man who didn’t get to lucky this time round but he does claim it won’t be the last we see of him. It’s a shame to lose him after his performance earlier on in the night.
Before the show closed off Matt Stryker announced that next week will be a double elimination, so make sure to get your vote in to save the Rookie you don’t want to see go.

That’s all on NXT, last show before SummerSlam will be SmackDown! Tonight at 10pm on SkySports3 and SkySports3HD.

That’s all for now Matty.D Signing off.

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