Tuesday 31 August 2010

Raw almost puts me to sleep

You know, for a history making 900th episode of Raw you would expect something special or spectacular. That wasn’t the case Monday night as the show failed to grasp me and almost put me to sleep; nothing really excited me or really entertained me. It was also only a 2 hour show where I was expecting 3 hours of show.

We started the show with Brett Hart.
He came to the ring to talk to the crowd but during his moment Kane came to the ring. Kane spoke about how Taker took out the ledged of Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 26. Kane claimed he wanted to take out his own icon. He went after Brett close to choke slamming him when the Tag Champs the Hart Dynasty came to the rescue. Unfortunately the two was not able to take the big man down as Kane cleared them from the ring. He then focused back on Brett but a Gong sounded and the lights went out. When the lights came back The Undertaker was standing in the ring. Kane decided to leave the ring instead of face his foe.
The GM Chimed in and said he wanted to see an Icon taken out as well. So he made a match for later in the night, but not Kane vs. Brett, he made the match of The Undertaker vs. Brett.

Later in the night we were set for the match. Brett stood in the ring and watched as we witnessed the Undertakers famous entrance.
As the two prepared to battle Wade Barrett came out. Earlier in the night Wade said he would do something unforgettable, and this was his attempt.
He came to the ring but was attacked by Taker. While that was happening the lights went out. When they arose Kane was in the ring, Taker and Kane ended up locking throats but the lights went out again, this time when they arose the Nexus were around the ring. Taker was able to keep them at bay but while the commotion ensued the lights went out yet again. This time when the light arose Nexus were in control as Wade had Taker over his shoulders ready to slam him to the mat which is what soon followed.
After the slam Gabriel nailed the 450 splash.
Honestly I didn’t think much of the segment and it was hard to follow and was hard to take in. The announcers said that Kane may be in control of the light changes.

The main event of the show was a 5 on 5 elimination tag match. The Nexus took on an all star team of Sheamus, Randy Orton, Edge, Chris Jericho and John Cena.
Earlier in the night Jericho once again said he would leave if he does not win the WWE title. This may be a strong possibility.
Jericho argued with Cena to be the starter in the match, to save the team falling apart Cena allowed Jericho the spot, unfortunately Jericho had no intention of sticking around as he left the match almost immediately soon followed by Edge, leaving only Orton, Sheamus and Cena to fight the match.
The match then moved on, first eliminated was Sheamus by Heath Slater, Cena then stepped up but was eliminated by Gabriel and his 450 Splash. Orton then in quick succession eliminated both Gabriel and Tarver but he was then eliminated by Barrett who won the match over all and stood tall.

Other matches didn’t quite amaze me either, there was one that looked promising but then didn’t live up to my expectations.
That match was a triple threat tag team match which included the three finalists of NXT. Kaval teamed with Daniel Bryan, which at first thought could have been a dream team. Kofi teamed with his Rookie McGillicutty and Miz teamed with Alex Riley.
The match on paper looked to be great; epically the idea of having Bryan and Kaval on the same team, but it didn’t meet expectations.
Miz and Riley took the win.

We had LayCool vs. Melina and Eve. Melina won in a short match that didn’t do much for anyone. After the match LayCool challenged Melina to a title unification match at NOC. Melina accepted so she will be facing one of the members of LayCool for the combining of the two belts.
Apparently this is something they want to do with all titles in the coming year. They have already combined the Tag next will be the Women’s and Divas titles. US and Intercontinental will be combined and lastly the World and WWE title which will most probably happen at Wrestlemania 27. If this is all to happen it should interesting to see how the storylines are going to develop.

We had a No.1 contender match for the Tag Titles as Morrison and R-Truth take on the recently developing team of Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre.
The match ended on a double DQ so we still do not have a No.1 contender but it may mean a triple threat tag match.

Jack Swagger defeated Evan Bourn, after the match Alberto Del Rio came down to make another impression by attacking Bourn, Mark Henry came to Bourns aid and chased Del Rio out.

Punk cut a promo of insults for the fans before the final match of the night. He was interrupted by Big Show who ended up giving an almighty Chop to Punks to chest.

Overall, a low night that didn’t scream historic. The show was just like any other but was boring and slow. It seams that WWE maybe losing there edge again and they need to think about ways of mixing things up and putting a more exciting spin on the current stories.

That’s all for now till my NXT blog where hopefully I will be telling you that Kaval is the winner and Next Break Out Star.

Matty.D signing off.

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