Tuesday 3 August 2010

Team Raw/WWE continues to crumble.

Last night saw the Raw that was recorded last week.
By knowing this you can see the effects on the wrestlers and the crowd. You could tell that some superstars had already been in action just from looking at them, and as the crowd had already sat through 2 to 3 hours of wrestling they didn’t have that much of a buzz as they usually do.
Regardless of all that though, we did see some good matches, the story pushed forward, and a return of a cretin favourite Diva.

We started with Edge coming to the ring to challenge Wade Barrett to a match, one on one, and with no outside inference as he wanted to take things into his own hands.
R-Truth came to the ring to try and talk Edge around saying that they need to work as a team, and if he is not going to listen to Cena he should listen to him.
The Raw GM soon chimed in making Edge vs. Wade a reality to happen right then.

The match was going well until Wade signalled the rest of the Nexus to the ring. They got to the ring causing Edge to leap the barrier and run away through the crowd.
Later backstage Edge has an argument with Cena about not coming to help, but of coarse Cena said about Edge not wanting help so he stayed where he was.
It was then that Edge quit the Team.
Cena was then confronted by Chris Jericho, there little spat lead to the creation of a loser leaves the Team match later in the night.

We saw a 6 diva Tag Match first before Jericho and Cena faced off, the match ended after Alicia Fox got the pin. The match was better than other Divas matches especially since 4 out of the 6 can actually wrestle.
After the win Alicia started to boast about how in one way or another she has beaten all the Divas on Raw, and that she is the best. It was then that we saw the return of the former MNM girl, Melina.
She came to the ring and beat on Alicia before nailing her finisher and screaming “I’m back!”

We then had John Cena vs. Chris Jericho and I must say I was impressed by this match. I also hold more respect for the two for being able to do two matches in one night and remembering two routines.
Match was long and impressive, it ended with Jericho going for the Walls but it got twisted into the STF once again, but before Cena could lock it in Jericho tapped to prevent himself from coming to harm.
Jericho then went to leave but Cena called him back. He said that he didn’t want Jericho to leave the team and tried to convince him to stay; he even stooped as low to actually call Jericho the best in the world.
It seemed to of worked and Jericho looked to stay when he changed his mind and walked away.

Once backstage Jericho and Edge showed respect for each other for both leaving the team also giving each other a hug.
It was then that back out in the arena the GM chimed and made a match for next week.
Edge and Jericho vs. Cena and Bret Hart.

Another sign of crumbling was when Nexus showed respect to the Great Khali while backstage.
Khali faced Ted DiBiase later and won after a little help from the Nexus as they came to the ring and distracted Ted so Khali could take advantage, Khali locked in a move we haven’t seen in a while, the Khali Vice Grip, and won the match. After it was over Khali seemed to show some sort of appreciation to the Nexus.

To end the show we had the best match of the night in my eyes.
Randy Orton went head to head with US Champ and Money in the Bank holder, The Miz.
Miz was able to really shine in this match and it was great push for him to be a WWE Title contender although I still think he will be the first to lose when cashing in his contract, epically if it’s on Orton.
The WWE Champ Sheamus appeared during the match watching from a distance as Orton came closer to his victory.
Orton was able to nail what we had all been waiting for, the RKO that got him the win.
He was in calibration when the Celtic Warrior took his chance and went to the ring but before he could enter Orton’s snake like senses went off and he quickly faced Sheamus in coiled position on the mat making Sheamus think twice.

Overall a good show epically since it was the second show in one night. I don’t suggest they should do this sort of thing often though as its better to keep the crowd, and the superstars fresh and to avoid any confusion to the fans in the arena.

I think a good storyline, and strong possibility, is over the next two shows Cena brings his team together and replaces the two empty spaces with the help of Bret Hart, maybe adding the Hart Dynasty.
Also Edge and Jericho may make there own team to lead then before SummerSlam the Cena team and the Edge/Jericho team go head to head to decide who faces the Nexus.

Also I see Orton winning the WWE Title and then Miz attempt to cash in, he would then fail and keep his contract for another day or be RKO’d and be the first to lose after cashing in.

Remember those are just my predictions and thoughts and I know I may be in no way right in fact most likely wrong.
But what are your thoughts? What do you think is going to happen? Let me know in the comments below.

That’s all for now, see ya Friday for the NXT report.

Matty.D signing off.

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