Saturday 14 August 2010

Lance Cade dead at 29

Well before we talk about SmackDown! And SummerSlam, we have some saddening news as another former WWE superstar has unfortunately died of heart failure, at the young age of 29.
Lance McNaught AKA Lance Cade died this week; WWE was informed Friday by Lances farther.
My deepest condolences go out to Lance’s friends and family.
To read more on this click the link to The Sun website at the bottom of the page.

Anyway let’s get to a more cheery subject of this weeks SmackDown! The final show before SummerSlam.

The main subject of the show was the World Title story combined with the Intercontinental Title story.
We started the show with Vicki Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler announcing there holiday to celebrate Dolph’s win of the Intercontinental Championship. This announcement was interrupted by the former champ Kofi Kingston.
Teddy Long soon appeared telling Dolph and Vicki to cancel the holiday as Dolph will be defending the title at SummerSlam against Kofi, just as I predicted, then he also said that Dolph would be in action against the #1 contender to the World Title, Rey Mysterio. Vicki then said that Kofi would have to take on Kane which Kofi agreed to.

Kofi and Kane then went head to head in great opening contest, Kane picked up the win after Kofi kicked the ring post missing the trouble in paradise, Kane was then able to Choke Slam Kofi from the top rope, then nail the Tombstone Pile Driver to finish it off.

The last match of the night was Rey vs. Dolph another great contest, during the match Kane came to the ring with a casket and stood by the ring with it waiting for the match to end so he could strike.
Rey was able to take the win with a quick roll up; as soon as Rey had won Kane took his chance and jumped to the ring where the two brawled. Kane ended up falling into the casket but like Rey last week was quick to jump straight back out.

At SummerSlam either Kane or Rey will end up in that casket but I bet it will be Undertakers hand that puts someone in. Obvious choice would of cores be Kane but Rey is still an option, how WWE takes the story may still be in the air.

Another story focus was the developing relationship between Cody and Drew, Cody took on Christian and later Drew took on Matt Hardy.
Before Cody’s match Drew spoke to him backstage showing signs of a future possible tag team.
Cody beat Christian in a good match and Drew was able to take down Matt, during Drew’s match he came close to breaking Matt’s foot as he jammed it between the two parts of the Steel Steps before stamping on it.

Big Show defeated three local wrestlers to give him a push before SummerSlam, S.E.S watched on at the top of the ramp and shared words after the match.
Jack Swagger seems to have fallen back to a middle level character as he took on MVP. MVP took the win with a quick roll up.

Let’s look at the final match card for SummerSlam:

Divas Championship:
Alicia Fox vs. Melina

Big Show vs. the S.E.S

Intercontinental Championship:
Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston

Team WWE vs. The Nexus

World Heavyweight Championship:
Kane vs. Rey Mysterio

WWE Championship:
Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

We may see some more matches added on the night and I wouldn’t be surprised as some sort of Divas contest was created as well.

It’s looking to be a good event and hopefully will be a fun show.

SummerSlam will be on SkyBoxOffice and SkyBoxOfficeHD Sunday night/Monday Morning at 1am.

That’s all for now Matty.D signing off.

Lance Cade story:


  1. hey guys its us, the prime time players. we've been thinking and we found out were gay.

    1. guys its us. Kofi and thruth, and little jimmy! we knew the prime time players wer gay. i saw them inn the locker rooms playing with each others hair.
