Saturday 31 July 2010

Rey and Jack take a swim.

This week saw a good SmackDown! Up until the very end when they ruined the last match with some bad editing.

At the start of the show we had another very well put together promo from Kane of him reviling who Undertakers attacker is.
In storyline Kane said that the Undertaker awoke and spoke only the name of his attacker before closing his eyes again.
The name the Undertake spoke was apparently Rey Mysterio but I can see there being some sort of twist in this path we are on.

The last match of the night was Jack Swagger vs. Rey Mysterio once again but this time it is no disqualification.
The two started out in the ring and fought into the crowd, once in the crowd we saw some of the worst editing I’ve ever seen during WWE programming.
As they were in the crowd we saw parts of the fight randomly skipped, and once saw a move shown twice just from another angle.
The two fought into the hallways and then out onto the street. Jack then was able to carry Rey over to the Gulf of Mexico. As he was about to throw Rey in, Rey was able to reverse into a head scissors and sent Jack head first into the cold water.
When all seemed over Kane appeared and Choke Slammed Rey in as well closing the show there.

Other matches included Drew vs. Christian in a very good opening contest; I must say it was the best I’ve seen from Christian since he made his return from TNA.
Christian won after rolling Drew up to get the pin.

Big Show beat Luke Gallows by DQ, all though Show won it was the S.E.S that stood tall as they banded together to try and break Big Shows right hand.

Dolph beat Kofi once again this time by disqualification as after Vicki slapped Kofi, Kofi went into a rage and started pounding on Dolph, when Kofi didn’t stop even when Dolph was in the ropes he was called on disqualification.
It was a new side to Kofi and one I quite like. As Dolph won the match he will be going for the Intercontinental Title next week. If he wins we should see the rematch at SummerSlam.

The self proclaimed co Women’s Champions LayCool had to defend against Tiffany. It was originally going to be Layla vs. Tiffany but Vicki Guerrero changed the match allowing Michelle McCool to defend in Layla’s place.
Michelle won after interference from Layla.
Once the match was done Teddy Long appeared on the big screen and said that there can only be one Women’s Champion and they have one week to decide who it will be or he will decide for them.
It’s a shame that they are going to move back to one title as I would have liked to of seen a tag Women’s championship. Also I don’t like that this could show cracks in the best Women’s Tag team that we have seen in a long time.

Overall it was good show other than the bad editing during the last match, there was also a moment in the Kofi, Dolph match that they focused on Vicki when there was action we would have liked to of seen.

Anyway that’s all for now Matty.D signing off.

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