Tuesday 7 September 2010

Jericho out of the Six Pack

Raw this week was an improvement to recent weeks but still could have been better.

The main subject is the fact that Jericho is now out of the six pack challenge. As Jericho and Edge walked away from the Tag Team match last week, the GM thought to punish them.
Both would go into one on one matches against an opponents of the GM’s choice, (although Edge tried his best to convince the GM to choose Zack Ryder to be his opponent he still got Khali.) and if Jericho or Edge lost they would be out of the Six Pack Match at NOC.
Jericho was first up and he went against John Morrison in a very good match, it ended in star ship pain to Jericho which leads to the 1-2-3, which took Jericho out of the WWE Championship match at NOC.
His replacement is looking to possibly be John Morrison that’s if Jericho doesn’t worm his way back in. We also do not know if Jericho will be sticking around as he had already vowed that if he didn’t win the WWE Title, he would leave WWE. When back stage Josh Matthews asked Jericho what would be next for him, he just sat in silence but the crowd may have answered on his behalf as someone chanted TNA in response, which is a very strong possibility.

Edge took on the Great Khali and won via count out, the GM was not pleased by this win and restarted the match making it a No DQ over the top rope challenge.
The match was lame and badly performed, there was a moment where Edge left the ring via going through the ropes and Khali went in pursuit by stepping over the top rope. Michael Cole did the best work on commentary at that moment, as he pointed out the fact that Khali should now be eliminated yet the ref had not called it. The second time he went to do the step over Edge grabbed his leg and pulled him down; it was then that the Ref called it.

We had two other matches in relation to the WWE Title storyline as John Cena took on Justin Gabriel and Wade Barrett faced Randy Orton.
Cena and Gabriel put on a great contest. Gabriel was the one I wanted to win NXT1 and in this match he was showing why I wanted him to win.
Gabriel did lose after receiving an AA from the top rope.

Wade and Randy’s match had a special stipulation; the winner will face John Cena next week.
For this match Edge, Cena and Sheamus sat at ringside with Cole and Jerry.
Another good match with an interesting ending, as Wade was taking some control some unfamiliar entrance music played, we looked to see Darren Young come out, his music stopped and he spoke to Wade about being kicked out of Nexus. This was the distraction that Orton needed, Wade turned around to just see the Fangs of an RKO. Once Orton had the win he ushered Young to the ring with a smile as if he was going to congratulate the man. Young happily entered the ring, Orton then proceeded to thank Young by giving him an RKO as well. Sheamus then took a chance but also received the Vipers sting, Edge soon followed. Cena entered the ring but the two did not butt heads as they stared each other down to end the show.

During the night we also had the creation of another highly anticipated match for NOC.
The Miz cut a promo to revile his first ever WWE Magazine cover, we also had a look back at his career from a reality TV star all the way to now being US Champ and Mr. Money in the Bank, as well as being on the front cover of a WWE Mag.
Daniel Bryan then came to the ring making the Promo even more interesting, he told us some stuff about his career and challenged Miz to a US championship match at NOC, Miz accepted and then went on the attack but Bryan was able to take advantage and lock in his Submission. We then had former NXT Rookie Alex Riley come flying through the crowd and attack Bryan allowing Miz to escape, Bryan then locked in the Submission on Riley and smiled at Miz as Riley tapped constantly.
This will be a match I am really looking forward to.

The only other match of the night was a Diva match between Melina and Alicia Fox which Melina won with ease.
Recently I’ve been seeing these Divas matches as a Deleted scene. When making a movie or a TV show you have got to consider weather or not the Scenes move the story forward, if it doesn’t then there is no need for it and it becomes a deleted scene. I learnt that from a YouTuber called Freddie Wong, maybe WWE should take the hint also, and not waste our time with unneeded matches.

Overall a good show and better than previous weeks but they still need improving. More and more people are switching off WWE and making there way to TNA, or not watching wrestling at all. If I ask someone about Wrestling they will either say that they watch TNA, because WWE has gone down hill or that they stopped watching after the Attitude Era ended. Yes WWE may have a strong following from there younger audience but since when was Wrestling aimed at the younger crowd. But this is something that has been covered on numerous occasions and I don’t think I should repeat myself.

Anyway that’s all for now.

Matty.D signing off.

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