Saturday 11 September 2010

Kaval Debuts!

After that awful NXT show earlier in the week I needed something to put some faith back in the company I have stood by for years even in its lows and through its highs.
Well I am happy to say that SmackDown! Done the job.

This weeks SmackDown! Didn’t see a bad match or promo as each one fit there stories, or worked on there characters and all of it kept us entertained.

We started off with a good promo form the Undertaker and CM Punk as the two were booked to go head to head later in the night.
Taker spoke about his match at NOC with Kane to help promote the match and the PPV. He also moved to suggest that the match be a No Holds Bard match. After that announcement CM Punk came out to talk about the Undertakers current downward spiral, Taker just described Punk as his next victim.

In-between that opening Promo and the main event between Punk and Taker we had a series of great matches.

We had Jack Swagger vs. MVP in a standard match, much better than the match they had couple weeks back.
Jack Swagger took the match by making MVP Tap to the Ankle Lock.

Alberto Del Rio took on Matt Hardy in a very good contest. Del Rio is starting to grow on me, I am not a big fan of his Character but his in ring abilities are great and his finishing manoeuvre is impressive.
Del Rio won the match with his Arm Bar. After the win though he continued to try and punish Hardy, Christian soon came to his aid and was able to make Del Rio flee the ring.

Earlier in the show we had a great backstage promo from LayCool and Kaval, LayCool argued about who would be facing Melina at NOC and Kaval attempted to be the voice of reason. The promo was funny and well performed.
After the Del Rio match Kaval had his debuting match against Drew McIntyre. The match was my favourite of the show. Kaval shined through out the match showing why he won NXT, both Drew and Kaval performed well. Kaval looked to be the one to win this until Drew turned the tables on Kaval turning a huracanrana into a Power Bomb on the outside of the ring, Kaval hit the mats hard and banged his head on the barrier. Drew was then able to get Kaval to the ring and nail his DDT to end the match.
It was unfortunate to see Kaval lose on his first match official match but at least he put on a great performance. Once he starts getting some wins under his belt, building up a good storyline and developing his character we should see him cash in his Title shot at a PPV.

Kofi Kingston tagged up with Chris Masters to take on Dolph Ziggler and Chavo. Before the Superstars came to the ring Vicki had her NXT rookie make an introduction but once again Vicki just shouted at her. I am hoping that Kaitlin will rebel against Vicki; it seems like her style of character as she described herself as a bit of a rebel child.
The match was good it saw Masters and Kofi take the win.

Big Show cut a promo backstage pushing on his latest personality. He has taken the roll of a more comical face character most probably matching the character he is playing in his film Knuckle head. In the promo he acted out Josh Matthews in a way of interviewing himself. It was rather humorous and made me chuckle.

We then headed in to the last match of the night as Taker took on Punk. The match was brilliant even with Taker still acting ill. The match was a close one, Taker nailed a Choke Slam on Punk and looked to be over but Punk kicked out, Punk was then able to get the GTS. He collapsed from weakness and slowly crawled to the cover but as soon as he got to Taker the Devils Gate closed on Punk and he tapped out giving Taker the win. After the match taker did his usual bow and the lights went purple but then the lights went red and flames blew out the corners, we then just heard Kane’s demotic laugh to end the show.

A great show that made me feel better after NXT. Great matches and Promos I don’t think I can find a bad thing to say about this which is always a good thing. I want to see more from Kaval and some further development in the Dolph Ziggler storyline and more from Del Rio.

Raw this week will hopefully see who will be added to the Six Pack match at NOC and we may see what will be happening with Jericho. There has been a lot of talk and articles around the web about Jericho’s future with the company which may still be undecided.

Don’t forget to watch 2am Monday night.

Matty.D signing off.

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