Monday 20 September 2010

Night of the Viper!

Last night saw a great Night of Champions, 4 championships in total changed hands and a future legend left our screens once again.

The main event of the night was the six pack match. It was the number one match of the night and looked to be great and we weren’t disappointed.
The road to this match has been an interesting one and it came to a great end on this night.
The six men came to the ring and the announcer introduced them all one by one to add to the build up.
The match then kicked off and within 90 seconds the first elimination shocked us all. Jericho received an RKO and was pinned to be the first eliminated. A shocked audience looked on and the match came to a halt as Jericho made a slow exit. The crowd chanted Y2J in respect as Jericho made his final exit as his contract has now ended, and he moves on to focus on his music and TV career (or even TNA).
Once the moment had past Wade Barrett found himself on the opposite side of a beating once again as he is surrounded by the remaining competitors in this match. The match went on for a further 15 minuets before our next elimination. Edge was next fall after team work with Sheamus he fell to the hand of Cena.
The Nexus soon made themselves known distracting Cena and allowing Wade to eliminate him.
Wade looked to target Randy next but Cena attacked the Nexus with a chair and Randy took down the Brit leaving us with 2.
Orton and Sheamus were the last two left and it looked like Orton was done for as he received a kick to the head, but to a great ovation Orton was able to kick out of the pin, this lead to an RKO allowing Randy to pick up the win and to pick up the WWE Championship.

Now that may have been the best match of the night but it wasn’t the only one that was great.

Another one of my favourite matches of the night was the US Championship match between Miz and Bryan. It was a great bout that saw for the most Bryan on losing end of the match, but Bryan was able to fight the odds and Miz fell to Bryans LeBell lock. Bryan walks away holding the US Title.
Bryan has gone from an Indi star, to NXT, to being fired from WWE, to returning and now US Champion. It’s amazing how far he has come in such a short time.

The other match that impressed was Taker vs. Kane, even in the age of PG the two monsters were still able to put on a pretty stellar match. The two fought all over the arena as well as the ring. Kane was the superior competitor as Taker was still playing on a weakened state; Kane left the match still holding the World Title. We will most probably see this battle spill into Hell in a Cell in just two weeks time.

The Intercontinental championship stayed in the hands of Dolph Ziggler as he won in the opening contest.

The Divas and Women’s championships made a home with LayCool as Michelle won with help of Layla. The match wasn’t anything special.

For the Tag team contest WWE threw together a Tag Team Turmoil, basically a tag team gauntlet match. The Hart Dynasty first went against the Uso’s, The Harts were eliminated first guaranteeing new champions, next was Santino and Kozlov, the Uso’s made short work of them. Next was thrown together team of Mark Henry and Evan Bourn, they eliminated the Uso’s. Lastly was Drew and Cody and it was obvious that they was going to win which they did taking the Tag Titles to SmackDown!

Big Show did go against Punk in a short match that was very unimpressive. The storyline between these two has died and I think both Show and Punk need to move on to other stories.

Overall the PPV was damn good and I did enjoy it all the way through I give NOC 4 out 5 stars. The Sun also enjoyed the show giving it 8.5 out of 10.

Chris Jericho isn’t the only one to of left WWE screens as Matt Hardy seems to of also quit. He may be heading over to TNA with his brother Jeff to reunite the Hardy Boys tag team, those two together on TNA screens is actually very promising prospect and if it happens I may have to start watching some TNA.

I look forward to Raw tonight to find out what is next for Orton and Bryan as new champions. An interesting match I think will be Daniel Bryan in his first Hell in a Cell in 2 weeks time; unfortunately WWE can’t put on a good Hell in a Cell match in today’s era.

That’s all till tomorrow Matty.D signing off.

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