Friday 10 September 2010


Well I think the title of this blog says it all really. I was actually looking forward to getting home from my nightshift; sitting back and watching some good female wrestlers get in the ring and fight.
Unfortunately I was bitterly disappointed. After the opening intros which took way to long we ended up with a lame dance challenge, which Naomi won. We then had the first match from these rookies as Naomi and Kelly Kelly went against Maxine and Alicia Fox. Match was reasonable but I have seen better from female wrestlers in the past. The end of the match was a mess; Naomi got a 3 count but it wasn’t the moment that the match was meant to end. After the bell had rung Naomi and Maxine continued to do the ending that was meant to finish the match. Naomi did a Suplex (must be her finisher) and rolled into a pin but of cores the match was already finished.
We then had another challenge this time being capture the flag. Naomi also won that making her 3 for 3.
We then had our second match which was AJ and Primo vs. Goldust and Aksana. Once again this match had a failed ending, AJ came in to do her finisher but neither her or Aksana was able to complete it, they ended up in just a tangled mess. AJ decided to go for the move again this time nailing it and finishing the match.

At the beginning of the show Vicki reviled her new rookie to be a girl called Kaitlin. She stood out to me but not because she looks like a wrestler I think it’s just because she looks very attractive to me. Vicki bosses her around like a small child or a dog. Vicki also didn’t like the way Kaitlin introduced herself at the beginning of the show, and had asked her to do it again. After the last match she dragged Kaitlin to the ring and was going to make her do the intro one more time. Not happy about Vicki raining on AJ’s celebration AJ insulted Vicki, Vicki then asked Kaitlin to “sickum” as if she was a dog. Kaitlin was then shoved onto Vicki who just screamed in a very crazy manner. This odd segment ended the show.

My thoughts are that this is going to be a stupid and rubbish season, and after watching it I could only find one word to describe it, FAIL!

Matty.D singing off.

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