Saturday 4 September 2010

NXT Diva already dropped and SmackDown! rundown.

Before I get into SmackDown! I would like to inform you all of the recent drop of one of the new NXT Divas.
The most stand out diva of the lot, the 6’9 Amazon of a woman has already been fired from NXT.
WWE’s website posted that Vicki fired Aloisia over disagreements they were having. Of cores I doubt this is the true reason to why this diva has been dropped from the show before it’s even started, but nothing else has been posted on the matter.
Also Kaval and LayCool are booked to appear on Raw, Kaval may be joining the Bryan, Miz storyline. Will we see Kaval go for US gold or maybe even Tag with Bryan for Tag Team gold?

Anyway now to SmackDown! Which wasn’t to amazing yet again. Both Raw and SmackDown! Have fallen over the last few weeks, storylines are getting stale and boring.

We started the show with Mexican JBL, Alberto Del Rio. He had the ring all set out like he was having a party. This is his way of him celebrating the beat down he gave Rey the week before.
He was interrupted by Christian who came to mock Del Rio even comparing him to JBL.
Christian challenged Del Rio even though Christian had a match already scheduled. Del Rio refused and made his exit. It was then that Drew McIntyre attacked Christian from behind to get kicked off for our first match of the night.

Drew and Christian went on in a solid bout but nothing to amazing. Christian won with a quick roll up.

We then had a short match between McCool and Kelly. McCool won after the faith breaker.

Dolph Ziggler went up against Chris Masters. Dolph won it easy giving him some momentum. It is a shame to have someone like Masters used to boost others, I feel that with a good storyline he could be a great superstar and future champ, but like some many others he is put on the back burner.

Big Show took on the S.E.S yet again. The match was just like any other they have had. Show won pinning Gallows. Punk was not pleased with Gallows performance in the match so he decided to plant a GTS on him. Does this mean that he is out of the S.E.S or is it just some hard discipline?

Jack Swagger then hosted MVP’s VIP lounge. His guest was his “dad”. Swagger used this segment to brag about the usual things but MVP soon came in and closed the lounge for renovations. He cleared some space and got ready to fight but Swagger used his dad as a human shield (his dad was in a wheelchair).
Swagger escaped and left his dad in the ring to receive the moves that were meant for him.

Cody Rhodes beat Matt Hardy. Apparently Hardy lashed out on twitter this week; we may see him leave WWE and head towards TNA in the not so distant future.

Through out the night we were getting pumped for a major announcement from Kane. This wasn’t necessary as the announcement was predictable. In a very flashy and fancy way he announced that he will take on the Undertaker at NOC and “End Undertakers existence.” They are going back to the time when Kane first appeared on our screens by using a lot of Special Effects, and playing on there characters Super Natural abilities, this time round though Kane is more empowered than Taker.
There segment ended the show.

Nothing stood out for me in this show and I am not feeling any hype for NOC. I am acutely glad that NOC is going to be on SkySports1 and not on BoxOffice, because I would rather not pay out for a show that is just not hitting its target.

Anyway I am going to watch some of the US Open so this is Matty.D signing off.

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