Friday 30 July 2010

Bye Bye Eli.

I am going to try and keep this blog short.

This weeks NXT saw the second poll of this season and the second elimination.

Before the poll was reviled we had an open mic challenge and a few matches.

The open mic challenge was a chance for the rookies to have one last say before the poll was reviled.
They had 60 seconds to talk about a subject of there choice. All the rookies did well in this challenge I believe they all was able to shine.

After the beginning segment we had our first match. “Showtime” Percy Watson vs. Zack Ryder.
The match was solid Percy Watson picked up the win and performed well.

Michael McGillicutty went up against Eli Cottonwood and took the win in an ok match.

The third match was Husky Harris vs. Kaval.
Another great match but any match with Kaval in is a great one. I can’t wait to see him with someone like Evan Bourn, or Rey Mysterio.
Unfortunately Kaval did not prevail in this match yet again, as Husky took the win.

Now it was time for the poll to be reviled.

1. Michael McGillicutty
2. Kaval
3. Alex Riley
4. Percy Watson
5. Lucky Cannon
6. Husky Harris
7. Eli Cottonwood

The immunity that Michael McGillicutty won last week, seemed to be unneeded as he took the top spot knocking Kaval down to number 2. I was shocked by this as I don’t see McGillicutty as that great, I agree with Miz he is mediocre.

As Eli was last he was eliminated, and he wasn’t happy about it, as he decided to take his anger out on the other rookies as he started attacking Husky and others.
He finally walked away pushing Morrison out of the way.
The rest of the rookies had a chance to have there say but during this Eli came back to the ring and continued to fight the rookies, the show closed there.

An ok NXT with an interesting poll, this should lead into some more interesting moments and I look forward to seeing more of these rookies shine.

Matty.D signing off.

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