Tuesday 20 July 2010

The War is on!

Last night saw the best Raw show this year.
People around the world have been talking about the events on Twitter and thesun.co.uk also did an article confirming my earlier statement.

The show was full to the brim with great matches, promos and surprises combined with WWE’s awesome story telling.

The show kicked off with a match worthy of being on a PPV.
Edge, Chris Jericho, and Randy Orton went head to head in a Triple Threat match to decide the No.1 Contender to Sheamus’s WWE Championship.
The 3 men put on a brilliant match; really got all of us pumped for the rest of the night.
Randy Orton pulled off the win after nailing the RKO on both Edge and Chris.

After the match Edge called Chris back to the ring saying that there rivalry needs to be finished.
Chris returned to the ring and said that if he wanted he could have Nexus come down and beat the hell out of Edge as he feels he is personally responsible for there formation.
Nexus did come down and beat the hell out of Edge. When it seemed all good for Chris the Nexus turned to him and beat him up as well.

Backstage Cena is interviewed where he hints towards joining the Nexus in his confrontation later.

Eve and Maryse fought which lead to Ted and Morrison brawling.

Miz then had a killer promo with Sheamus pushing his money in bank persona. In fact on Twitter, after the show Cena put that Miz may be his favourite superstar at the present moment.
When Sheamus went to leave the GM made a match for him and Evan Bourn.
It was a gem of a match which ended with Sheamus winning.
The Miz sat by the ring with his case through the match, after the bell rang Miz got in the ring and attacked Sheamus, he beat him with the brief case then nailed a Skull Crushing Finale to Sheamus straight into the case.
He then went to cashing in his Money in the Bank, the ref tried to get Sheamus up, but he wasn’t moving. Before the bell rang to begin the match R-Truth came down. As soon as Miz saw Truth, Miz went straight to the ref and basically said “no I take it back.”
He grabbed his case and went to run but ended up in a small fight with Truth.

Gimmick match time as Santino and Kozlov tag against Regal and Ryder.

Now the last match of the night as Mark Henry takes on Nexus leader Wade Barrett and the rest of the Nexus was not aloud at ringside.
The match was great, Marks best match in a long time, and a great performance from Wade.
The Nexus came out at the top of the ramp nearing the end of the match which distracted Mark allowing Wade to get the upper hand.
He slammed Mark to the mat with his finisher; it was an impressive finish due to the size of Mark.
The Nexus then came to the ring and Wade called Cena out to have there face to face.
Cena came to the ring and proceeded to try and form a truce which apparently Sheamus already has.
Wade refused the truce and asked Cena to join them and reusing the statement. “Your either a Nexus or against us.”
Cena refused and went to leave. Once to the ramp he turned and said that regardless of the truce he has been working quietly to form a team to take them down.
He then introduced his team.
Edge, John Morrison, R-Truth, Chris Jericho and The Great Khali.
When we thought that was all of them John pointed to the stage and out came Bret The Hitman Hart.
Once together the stars charged the ring making the Nexus run out through the crowd closing the awesome show there.

So we have 2 matches set up for SummerSlam so far, the WWE Championship match and Nexus vs. RAW.

I think we will be in store for some interesting storylines in the coming weeks leading to SummerSlam.

That all for now Matty.D signing off.

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