Friday 9 July 2010

Percy Talks the Talk!

This weeks NXT saw the second rookie challenge, this week was the Talk the Talk challenge.

Just like last season a rookie is given a subject and they have to talk about it for a short time and the crowd decides the winner.

They went one by one with a different subject each, the first rookie to go up was “Showtime” Percy Watson, and he had the subject of glasses.
Showtime did an excellent job showing how he is great with a microphone in his hand. The others didn’t quite excel like Percy; in fact Eli made his own WWE pro cringe and hide behind his clip bored during his talk on moustaches.
Alex Riley cut a good promo on the subject of pigeons, and Kaval did a reasonable talk on Chickens.
Percy won the challenge and as he won he will be hosting his own talk show, similar to the Highlight Reel, the Peep Show, the VIP lounge and others, on next weeks show.

Now unfortunately Percy’s winning stopped there as he went up against Michael McGillicutty and came out the loser.
The match was reasonable not amazing.
The show is obviously trying something new, during matches the corresponding pro or rookie would stand on the corner like a tag partner “couching” the person in the ring.

Next match was The Miz vs. Kaval, once again Kaval left me in awe at his in ring ability, but unfortunately he lost to the US Champ after the skull crushing finale.

Last match of the night was a tag match, Lucky Cannon teamed with his pro Mark Henry to take on Cody Rhodes and Husky Harris.
Match was ok, I enjoyed seeing Mark just run through his opponents with a clothesline or a charge, it was great; Cody took the win after hitting Cross Rhodes on Lucky.
Apparently Lucky didn’t take the finisher well, which angered Cody, once back stage Cody continued to vent his anger.
Also Husky seems to be a favourite within the locker room even though the poll disagrees. He said to be a young Dusty Rhodes, a bad body but the agility of a footballer.

Carlito who was released from WWE back in May for failing a drug test has now made comments on his leaving, to read that head over to The Suns web site, link will be at the bottom.

Triple H is rumoured to return for SummerSlam but it is apparent that he has had surgery recently on a torn tendon in his upper arm, if this is so he should need two to four months to recover so he would not be able to return in time for SummerSlam.

Last thing to mention is that Vince McMahon has banned the “Ric Flair chop”; the reason for this is the fact that the crowd go “Wooo”, after each one regardless of who was doing it.
The chop was banned before Wrestlemania with the exception of Shawn Michaels; now that he has left no one should be seen doing it in WWE.

Link to the Sun:

Matty.D Signing off.

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