Friday 2 July 2010

NXT Poll is in!

This weeks NXT saw the first NXT poll, voted by the fans and the pros.
We also saw the return of the rookie challenges to earn immunity, this week’s challenge being the Keg carry.
It was the first part of the nights show as we watched each rookie lug the keg around the ring as fast as possible. The winner was Lucky Cannon so he gained immunity.
The best thing of the challenge is when Kaval went to the keg, the buzzer went so he could go but he took the microphone from Matt Stryker and stated that he wasn’t even going to try as the keg weighed almost as much as him.

Matches before the pole was announced were, MVP vs. Husky Harris, the match was going ok but then began to lose steam, most of the match saw Husky in control, at the end MVP took advantage and picked up the win.

The second match was a 6 man tag as Kaval tagged with Lucky and McGillicutty, to take on Eli Cottonwood tagged with Titus O’Neil and Alex Riley.
Another great match most of it saw Lucky Cannon getting beaten on by the other team until he finally got a tag to Kaval who did some amazing moves before picking up the win.
Kaval left me in awe that match, the height he got when he jumped off the top rope was amazing and his cartwheel kick was very impressive.

Later the polls were in and here are the results:

1. Kaval
2. Percy Watson
3. Michael McGillicutty
4. Alex Riley
5. Lucky Cannon
6. Eli Cottonwood
7. Husky Harris
8. Titus O'Neil

I was pleased that Kaval made the number one spot as he is such an awesome in ring performer, and some people do not like that he is stuck with LayCool, they find it insulting, but it has helped, LayCool are the favourite Divas tag team currently, with great microphone and promo skills to them, Kaval can learn from them the promo work I think he may need. Also the partnership between the 3 has been working well and I believe it has actually helped Kaval take that number one spot.

We wave goodbye to Titus O’Neil, he has a great background to him but just didn’t match up in the ring. I wish him well for his future.

Now onto some other things, Bret Hart has released a statement on his Facebook about his sister-in-law and her law suit, all I can say is he does not agree with it. To read that article head over to:

Also the sun has an article and statements that have been released about Bryan Danielson that is definitely worth a read.

Matty.D signing off.

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