Tuesday 6 July 2010

A Stone Cold Raw GM?

Last night we were given clues to who may be our Raw GM, but they seemed obvious so maybe there just throwing us off.

At the beginning of the show we had the Nexus in the ring, including Wade Barrett, who obviously sorted out his Visa.
Wade spoke to us about the Nexus. He said that he received an e-mail and that him and the Nexus had to be in the ring to face the consequences for there actions.
He then moved on to say he can’t tell us why they did what they did, and that it’s all part of a much bigger picture, and these are just stops on the way.
Wade then past it to Skip Sheffield. Skip said that what they did to the legends the week before was just for fun, and although we won’t admit it we the fans loved it. Well he is wrong there, because I did like it but didn’t love it, but I will admit that.
During Skips little speech the Laptop went off to signal an e-mail. Now apparently the sound alone of the e-mail coming in hasn’t been giving off the right effect so now they have combined it with a light flash.
Cole stands and reads an e-mail out. The e-mail basically said. The Nexus’s punishment for attacking Mr. McMahon is that no one in the Nexus will get a WWE title shot till further notice, also the rule from last week has been lifted, so now superstars and Nexus can collide.
It was then that John Cena made him self know and so did 6 other superstars. John Cena, Evan Bourn, Randy Orton, John Morrison, The Hart Dynasty, and R-Truth, making it 7 on 7.
The superstars charged the ring but was attacked from behind by there corresponding rivals, Chris Jericho, Edge, Sheamus, the Uso’s, Ted DiBiase and the Miz.
The Nexus escaped through the crowd as the superstars fought, in the end our face superstars got the upper hand, John Cena making a statement by giving an Attitude Adjustment to one of the Uso’s.
Cena and Sheamus shared words; Sheamus seems to be in support of the Nexus but only because they are taking out the right people and that all the Superstars on the stage supports it.
So it is now looking like a 3 way war.
Randy took the microphone and said how him and Cena are not friends, and probably never will be, unless they have to be. He then speaks to Edge about how they were jumped at Fatal 4 Way and how could Edge just let it slide, but then said lets finish what we started enticing them to the ring.
Message coming in from Raw GM, Cole says that none of them should even think about fighting right now, as all the Money in the Bank Superstars will be in action, and John Cena has to make a truce with Wade Barrett, John Cena said he would rather knock Wade’s teeth out.
GM’s reply was that he wants John to be the bigger man and if he doesn’t it will be met with the appropriate consequences, and that’s the bottom line cos the Raw GM said so!

Now if you know your WWE you would know that is a Stone Cold Steve Austin line, but apparently this is all one big tease, in fact Steve Austin didn’t even see the show as he tweeted that he missed it, also WWE said they have no plans of reviling it to be Stone Cold it’s all just a big tease. Or is it? Maybe they are trying to cover it up only time will tell.

John Morrison then went up against Ted in our first match of the night, Ted picked up the win after a little help from his “girl friend” Maryse.

The next match was the clash of the foreigners as Santino and Vladimir tag against, William Regal and The Great Khali.
The match was boring like usual for these 4; Khali didn’t even get in the match as Kozlov made short work of Regal. Khali then asks for Regal to be held up so he can chop him across the head. Then the three, and Ranjin Singh, dance in the ring.

Sheamus goes face to face backstage with one of the legends who got beaten on the previous week. They share words, nothing special there.

The Miz and R-Truth are scheduled to go head to head but instead The Miz hits Truth with a microphone, then moves to almost breaking the arm of Truth which ultimately takes him out of the Money in the Bank. This keyfab injury is apparently a cover for a legit injury that R-Truth has suffered.

Edge then holds a Cutting Edge show, he was scheduled to have 2 guests but he only interviews one, or should I say share words with.
Edge first talks about the Nexus, how he would rather have 7 powerful allies than enemies.
He then talks about MITB before introduces guest one Evan Bourn but insted gets guest number two, Chris Jericho.
Jericho and Edge share words about the Nexus and MITB. In the end the two start to fight, as Jericho puts Edge in the walls Evan comes down and gets in the middle of the fray.
Once the three separate the laptop goes off with another message and another sign that the GM is Stone Cold.
Cole reads, “The Raw GM says, and I quote, if you want to see some action give me a hell yea!”
So as you can see another tease.
He then makes the best match of the night as Evan tags with Randy Orton to take on Chris and Edge.

Evan is brilliant, and Randy is well, Randy, and you can’t be better than that, and once again Evan is in the best match of the night, and other than Triple H, Evan Bourn is my current favourite superstar.
The match was long and was very back and forth, and made sure that all 4 superstars had there chance to shine, and not a bad moment between any of them, it was just a bit slow in the middle.
The team of Edge and Jericho falls apart when Chris starts shouting orders at Edge. When Edge tags out Chris screams at him about not listening, but Chris ends up meeting Evans foot, it is then that Edge decides to spear, not Evan, but Chris and then leaves him for Evan to land Air Bourn.
As Orton and Evan celibate you could sense something brewing, and you would be right, as Randy spins Bourn around and nails the RKO on him.

Back stage Orton has a face to face with, David Otunga, Tarver and Slater. Orton listens to them but his answer to them is “get out of my sight.”
Basically the Nexus said they will not get involved in the MITB match but there is no guarantee they won’t get involved in the steel cage match.

The Hart Dynasty is announced to be going against the Uso’s for the Tag titles at MITB. Josh Matthews interviews.

Alicia Fox goes against Eve who invoked her rematch clause. Alicia wins by acting injured and pouncing at the right moment.

We then move into the final part of the night, Wade Barrett and John Cena in a face off and possible truce.
Wade is first to the ring and he talks about the bigger picture, Cena then came down to face him.
Wade says he does want to move on and that Cena is not in the Nexus’s future plans, but is leaving the choice to Cena.
Cena looked to possibly agree and call a truce, but just as the hand shake is about to happen, Cena pulls his hand away and says why stop when we are having so much fun.
Cena then makes a great talk and basically says that he will take down Wade and all the others in the Nexus.
Wade demands that Cena shakes hands, when Cena does so he lifts Wade up to do an Attitude Adjustment but is stopped by the Nexus, Evan Bourn comes to Cena’s aid but is beaten down, then John Morriosn comes down who receives the same fate, then all at once Mark Henry, the Great Khali, Kozlov, Goldust, The Hart Dynasty and Yoshi Tatsu come to the ring and the superstars are finally able to clear out the ring of the Nexus.
The Nexus escape all accept one, Darren Young remains laying in the ring.
E-Mail comes in, the GM said that he wanted peace and if things don’t stop there will be consequences, it was then that John Cena put Darren Young in the STF as the other superstars stood at the bottom of the ring.
The GM then said that Cena will face all members of the Nexus next week in a 7 on one handicap match.
Cena not so pleased beats the holly hell out of Darren Young, the crowd go nuts with chants and cheers as the story unfolds in front of them, Cena throws Darren around and then into the ring post and out of the ring, he then slides out and unlatches the steel steps, he then throws them at Darren hitting him squarely in the shoulder, he then chucks him over the announcers table and then flips the table before jumping in the ring to pose. The crowd go bonkers bringing an end to a brilliant show.

A good way to look at this is that WWE just lit a load of dynamite, and there will be a series of explosions in the coming weeks.

If you ask me WWE, epically Raw, has really picked up giving us 4 to 5 star shows, I love the Nexus storyline, the matches, and action has picked up, I just hope they don’t make any stupid mistakes like they have before and ruin it for us all.

Matty.D signing off.

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