Monday 19 July 2010

Money in the Bank Burns a hole in Kane’s Pocket.

Well last night saw WWE’s latest PPV creation and it turned out to be a pretty damn good one.

The night started on a high and ended on a low as all the major moments where all earlier in the show.

The night started with SmackDowns! MITB to get us all on a high. Well we wasn’t disappointed as the superstars came to that ring and put on one hell of a PG rated ladder match.
The match was very back and forth, superstars were constantly climbing the ladders to win the briefcase high above the ring.
The main focus for the match at first was Big Show; he attempted to climb one of the standard ladders when the step broke under him the same as it happened on SmackDown! He then moved to get the reinforced ladder but was stopped.
He did eventually get the ladder and got it set up in the ring where it remained for the rest of the match.
During all that Kane had cleared off the announcers tables and Drew ended up lying upon the Spanish announcers table. Kofi set up a ladder near by and climbed to the top where he then jumped and nailed his double leg drop across Drew’s chest and breaking the table below him, a great moment in the match.
Big Show mean while kept attempting to ascend the huge ladder but kept being stopped, in the end Show ended up laying on the outside of the ring and the rest of the competitors burred him under a huge amount of ladders.
Later we saw Kane fail to throw Dolph Ziggler into said pile, but they recovered well and Kane turned it into a Choke slam off the apron onto the ladders below where Show was buried.
Matt and Christian took a fall off of the ladder when Drew came back around; he climbed the ladder and looked to become the winner. When we thought it was all over the crowed cheered as Kane removed Drew from the ladder, he then climbed it himself and retrieved the brief case to become the 7th Money in the Bank winner.

After a reasonable match from Eve and Alicia where Alicia retained her belt, and a short but good match from the Hart Dynasty and the Uso’s where the Hart Dynasty won, we had the World Title match.
The match, to me, seemed to be rough round the edges as I saw many moves that just didn’t work well but was still a solid bout.
The match had Jack focusing on Rey’s injured leg all the way through, constantly trying to lock in the Ankle lock.
The match was of reasonable length but in my eyes it just didn’t match up to how well it could have been.
The match ended with some Déjà vu. Rey loosened his boot so when Jack went to the ankle lock Rey was able to slip out easy, just like Eddie Gurerrero vs. Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania20.
The trick by Rey lead to him winning the match and retaining the world title. After the match was over Jack went back to work on Rey locking in the ankle lock.
Kane then appeared to come to the rescue. He brawled with Jack up the ramp and out the arena.
Rey sat holding his belt celebrating when the big red machine returned holding his brief case and accompanied by a Ref.
Kane got to the ring and he cashed in his Money in the Bank, he made short work of Rey and won the world title.
This is the second time in Kane’s career that Kane has held a world title and it’s been 12 years since his first reign. I’m glad he is back to being a champion as I’ve been wanting him back as a title contender for years.
Due to Kane winning the MITB and the World Title I owe the one and only Tommy Clee a drink as he predicted it all before the show started so well done to him.

The next match was Kelly Kelly vs. Layla, worst match of the night by far; the main highlight for me was Jerry Lawler’s quote.
“Now I know why I watch SmackDown! With the sound muted.” In regards to Matt Stryker’s voice.
Layla retained her title.

We then had the Raw MITB which had a challenge to look good after SmackDowns! Performance.
They did well but in my eyes wasn’t as good as SmackDowns! Show.
It did some great moments such as an RKO off a ladder, a succession of finishers on Mark Henry on the outside of the ring and high flying performances from Evan and John Morrison.
We also saw the ladders built together in a strange structure as the superstars climbed about it.
¾ of the way into the match after a succession of finishers from Evan and Randy, Evan looked to be the one to win as he climbed the ladder and got his hands on the latch of the case when Jericho pulled him self up from hanging upside down on the ladder and stopped him, it was then Edge who came up to stop Chris, then Randy came in and nailed the RKO to Jericho off the ladder followed by throwing Edge off into the structure built during the match, it looked to be over, Randy had it in his grasp, but The Miz came to shatter that dream. Miz removed Randy from the ladder and then climbed up himself, he unhooked the brief case becoming the 8th Money in the Bank winner, and further inflating the Ego of the Miz.
After the match Miz cut a promo preparing us for the future.

We then had the final match of the night as John Cena went up against Sheamus for the WWE Championship.
The match wasn’t too great in my eyes; it was slow boring and samey.
The crowd didn’t seem to be as lively now either. The match went on for a reasonable amount of time but just didn’t match up to PPV material.
The Nexus showed up near the closing moments of the match as predicted, they tried to stop Cena from escaping the cage; Justin Gabriel climbed the cage and fought Cena on the top to then be thrown in the ring.
As Cena tried again to escape the rest of the Nexus prevented his decent. Sheamus climbed the other side and went to make his escape he was almost stopped by Heath Slater, but Slater got swatted away and Sheamus escaped winning the match and then running away through the crowd yet again.
Cena gets down off the Cage and boils over taking out his frustration on the Nexus, beating them off and throwing the Steel Steps at Tarver before leaving in a huff and closing the show

The show was good in my eyes and I did enjoy most of it.

I give Money in the Bank 4 out 5 if it wasn’t for the Ladder matches it would have been only a 3.

On other news, which is actually nothing to do with WWE, is that my phone has decided that it won’t charge so it is now dead.
I will be getting it fixed but at the moment I am using my old phone so I am missing quite a few numbers. If you text me please put your name in the text so I know who you are.

That’s all for now Matty.D singing off.

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