Saturday 3 July 2010

Kurt Swagger?

Well SmackDown! Saw the continuation of Jack Swagger’s ankle lock, as well as the announcement of the first 6 people in the SmackDown! Money in the Bank.

The beginning of the show saw Jack Swagger in the ring talking about recent events, Big Show then came down to mock Swagger. On his way to the ring Show was attacked from behind by “Dashing” Cody Rhodes, that’s right, “Dashing” Cody Rhodes.
They beat down the big man until the World Champion Rey Mysterio came to his aide, sowing seeds for the tag match later in the night.

During the night before the tag match, “Dashing” Cody Rhodes did a back stage segment, talking to himself in a mirror using a comb for a microphone.

The last match was Rey and Show vs. Cody and Swagger. The match was reasonable, it ended with Jack Swagger locking in the ankle lock on Rey and not letting go even with Rey holding the ropes, as Big Show struggles to get to Rey, limping from the fight with Cody and the ankle lock the previous week, Swagger pulled Rey away even sliding out of the ring dragging Rey with him. Jack then let go leaving Rey in pain on the floor outside of the ring as Show continued to limp over to him.

Now I like this new angle and I don’t like it all at the same time, you see I like the idea of bringing in a new move and emphasizing it to be more powerful than it is so when it’s used we all go “ouch that must hurt.” Like with Dolph Ziggler and the sleeper hold. But why make it the ankle lock? It’s an obvious attempt to make Jack Swagger the new Kurt Angle of WWE, but face facts, Angle is on TNA and he isn’t coming back, it doesn’t mean you make a new one; you could have used many different submission maneuvers and it would have had the same emphasis with out being a Kurt Angle wannabe.

After the open segment the first 6 people in the Money in the Bank was announced:
“Dashing” Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston, the Big Show, Matt Hardy, Christian and Kane.
The last two spots are still to be filled; I am guessing Drew McIntyre will more than likely fill one of those spots when he sorts his visa, the other spot is still a bit of a guessing game.

Also announced is Rey vs. Jack for the World Title.

We saw Dolph go against Kofi, Dolph trying to impress the apparent Cougar Vicki Guerrero. Unfortunately for him he was beating by Kofi, Vicki was not impressed and looked to of left him, now to move on to manage the next best thing.

Christian did a segment for the Peep Show, the ring was set up with ladders and the brief case hanging high above the ring, his guest was Matt Hardy. Both of them cut a great promo talking about the up coming event and stating that they would be the victor. As things came to a close in the Peep Show they finally kicked off, fighting each other until Matt was able to throw Christian into a ladder.

Interesting match between Kane and Luke Gallows. Before the match Luke, Serena and Punk were talking back stage, Serena saying they should just admit it; “it” though was still to be reviled.
After the match Kane was Choke Slamming every S.E.S member he could get his hands on, as he was preparing to slam Punk, Serena came running down saying that it was not Punk that attacked the Undertaker and she had proof.
Punk was shouting at her to not do it but she didn’t listen and asked for a tape to be played. We watched a CCTV tape from a bar dated the time and date of the Undertaker’s attack, in the video we watch as Serena, orders a drink, she drinks it with hesitation, and then has another until she is drinking shots with the guy next to her. After so long Punk, Gallows and the hooded man all come in and start shouting at her before leavening.
Back to the ring and Punk is thrown away and Kane leaves in a huff, Serena comes to Punks aid but Punk just shouts at her “do you know what you have done!” Well I know what she’s done, she has shown that the Straight Edge Society isn’t as Straight as we are led to believe, but it has moved Kane off of Punk as the person who attacked the Undertaker.
S.E.S may not see Serena in there future, if that’s so we may finally see her wrestle and grow her hair out.

MVP took on Chavo in a short, unneeded match, and Kelly Kelly took on Michelle McCool, the match was reasonable, Kelly picked up the win. She has now beaten both half’s of the “co” women’s champion.

Not the best show but not bad either, left me wondering about this new submission from Swagger, Serena’s future with the S.E.S, and who the two people are who will fill the last two places in the MITBLM.

Matty.D singing off.

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