Friday 23 July 2010

NXT Run into Obstacles.

This weeks NXT was better than last week and I enjoyed this weeks NXT challenge, the Obstacle course.

The night started with MVP’s VIP Lounge, with his guest Percy Watson.
The segment started serious as MVP spoke about last weeks actions by Percy. After they settled that they went on to more cheery subjects.
Matt Stryker came out and asked MVP and Percy, why Percy is the next break out star.
It was a great opening promo to kick start the show.

After there promo Cody and Husky came out, Matt Stryker posted the same question to them.
This lead into Percy and MVP tagging against Rhodes, and Harris.
A good match well performed and no faults to be seen. Husky and Cody took the win.

Alex Riley went up against Lucky Cannon. Riley won very quickly dominating the match all the way through, it made Lucky look bad but may have boosted Alex’s persona.
After the match Miz did the Skull Crushing Finale to Lucky on to the MITB brief case.

To end the show we had the Obstacle course.
Now this Obstacle course was a great improvement on last season’s course. Before the rookies tackled the course, the ones that hadn’t already had the chance to tell us why they should be number 1 got the chance to do so.
Then the Rookies went to the course. Each one of them looked good (other than Eli, Morrison was not impressed more embarrassed)
McGillicutty set the bar and no one could beat it, Kaval came close but the crate push at the end slowed him down.

With McGillicutty winning he has won immunity and won’t be eliminated next week.

The next NXT poll will be reviled next week so get over to and cast your vote now.

Matty.D’s NXT poll:

1. Kaval
2. Alex Riley
3. “Showtime” Percy Watson
4. Husky Harris
5. Lucky Cannon
6. Michael McGillicutty
7. Eli Cottenwood

That’s all for now Matty.D signing off.

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