Saturday 17 July 2010

Punk is unmasked!!!

Ok so I know most of you would have been watching TNA’s Victory Road PPV last night, but not to worry I’m still here to tell you what happened on SmackDown!

Well through out the night we had Jack Swagger in a few segments where he is waiting on his proof to not being the one who attacked the Undertaker.

At the beginning of the show we had Cody vs. Kofi in a non title match getting us ready for this Sundays Money in the Bank PPV.
The match ended with the big red monster heading to the ring and making a statement by choke slamming both Kofi and Cody.
He then took the microphone and cut a small promo about how Jack Swagger lies.

At the end of the night Jack Swaggers farther turned up with the evidence.
Both Jack and his farther head to the ring and cut a promo about what he was doing when Taker was attacked, he was showing pictures on the screen of him and his dad doing activities with the date in the corner of each photo showing his innocent.
The pictures were to perfect though and was obviously set up, I wish WWE would work on that sort of thing.
Kane came down and basically didn’t want to listen and went for Jack to choke slam him. His farther begged for Kane to stop. Jack got the upper hand and was able to apply the ankle lock, while Kane screamed in pain the injured Rey Mysterio came limping to the rescue. He jumped in the ring and hit a very well placed 619 on Jack.
Kane was able to get his hands on Jack and his Farther again, Jack escaped and left his farther with Kane. Kane then choke slammed Mr. Swagger as Jack cowered outside the ring.
Jack looked away and headed to leave while Kane also planted a Tombstone Pile driver to Jacks dad.
The show ended there.

Last night also saw the unveiling of CM Punks bald head in a brilliant promo by the S.E.S and the Big Show.
The promo was just the S.E.S and it was interrupted by Show. Show had a humorous piece about the S.E.S and the Money in the Bank match.
The whole segment was great and was fun to watch. During the segment Big Show went to climb a ladder but the step broke under him. He then had a custom made, reinforced, double sized ladder brought down, a huge heavy thing that had a few guys carrying it.
A brawl ensued and Show cleared the area Punk tried to get away by climbing the huge ladder. Once Show was done in the ring he climbed the ladder and got hold of Punk, Show held Punk’s un-injured arm so he couldn’t stop what Show was going to do next.
The best moment of the night followed as Show pulled the S.E.S mask off of Punks bald head.
I give this promo two thumbs up as I found it hilarious and I loved the fact that Punk looks like Big Show’s mini me.

Most of the other matches were good, we saw Drew go up against Christian. Good match but there was a moment that may have broken Christian’s neck.
Christian was perched on the ropes and the two men were brawling, suddenly, what looked to be out of anger or frustration, Drew shoved Christian hard making him flip over backwards, he hit his head on the ring apron and landed on the mat bellow.
Drew was like an angry school kid pushing people around on the playground.
Through out the rest of the match Christian kept holding his head.
Now if this was a planned move it was very well performed but may have still hurt Christian, if it was un-intentional then respect to Christian for continuing the match after it and I hope he is ok.

Matt Hardy went up against Dolph Ziggler, Dolph won after the Zig Zag another good match.

We also had Kelly Kelly tag with Chris Masters to take on Layla and a member of the Tag team known as the Dudebusters.
Kelly Kelly won after an odd distraction by Rosa Mendez the match its self was short and not well performed.

This was the last show before Money in the Bank so let’s look at the final match card:

Women’s Championship
Layla vs. Kelly Kelly

Divas Championship
Alicia Fox vs. Eve

Unified Tag Titles
The Hart Dynasty vs. The Uso’s

SmackDown! Money in the Bank.
The Big Show
Kofi Kingston
Dolph Ziggler
Matt Hardy
“Dashing” Cody Rhodes
Drew McIntyre

Raw Money in the Bank
Randy Orton
Evan Bourn
Chris Jericho
Mark Henry
John Morrison
The Miz
Ted DiBiase

World Heavyweight Championship
Rey Mysterio vs. Jack Swagger.

WWE Championship Steel Cage
John Cena vs. Sheamus


So as you can see a nice full match card, down side is that with so many matches will there be enough time to see fit them all in.
We might see cretin matches be very short such as the two Divas matches and the Unified tag title match.

The event will be on SkySports1 and SkySports1HD at 1am Sunday night/Monday morning.

Matty.D signing off.

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