Saturday 10 July 2010

Drew does some begging.

Well if you ask me SmackDown! Was one hell of a show!
Usually when writing one of theses I would say that there were matches that were, ok, reasonable, or just plane bad, but that wont be the case in this blog as there wasn’t a bad, ok or reasonable match in sight! No, no the whole show wasn’t just talking and no matches before you think that.
Every match was a good one, even the promos where great.

The show continued some storylines to help fuel the fires that are burning.
We started with the return of the Scotsman, Drew McIntyre in the ring as he has sorted his Visa, (I’m sure his wife Tiffany is happy to have him back).
Now, due to Vince being “out of action” Drew hasn’t got anyone to give him special treatment, so this time when Teddy comes out Drew decides to kiss Teddy’s black ass. (No not literally!)
Teddy proceeded to get his revenge for what has happened over previous weeks. Drew wanted to get into the Money in the Bank Match and was kissing ass to get it, Teddy said that if Drew wants it he will have to get on his knees. Teddy then went on to make Drew shower teddy with complements and basically beg to get into the match. After all that Teddy still didn’t give Drew what he wanted. He said that Drew would have to beat Kofi to get into the match.
So later in the night Drew went against Kofi in a great match. The match ended up with Kofi getting DDT’d and Drew moves on to Money in the Bank.

The other major story was the Big Show, Rey, and Jack story.
During the night Rey was backstage with the Doctors and we was being told about his injury, it was during that moment that Jack stormed in. Jack attacked Rey’s injured leg and put the ankle lock on him, he then dragged Rey by the ankle lock, out of the room, down the hall, and into the arena by the stage. Before Jack could get any further Big Show came out to Rey’s aid.
Later in the night Jack and Show went one on one, the match didn’t end with a winner though as both got counted out.
Big Show was man handling Jack up the ramp, once on the stage Jack got the upper hand and left Big Show on the stage leaving out the side of the stage.
Once out he was grabbed by Kane and chucked into a red lit room to have a little “chat”.
Kane sits Jack down and starts accusing Jack of taking out the Undertaker, due to Jacks actions against Rey and Show it is apparently obvious that Jack did something to Taker as well. Well Jack said he has an alibi like Punk had one, he then said he would prove it on next weeks show.
The show ended there.

We also saw a triple threat between, MVP, Dolph Ziggler, and Chavo to decide who would take the other spot at Money in the Bank. Another great match witch saw Dolph put MVP to sleep and become the other man in the Money in the Bank match.

We also saw “Dashing” Cody Rhodes take on JTG.
What I loved about this was the debut of Cody’s new entrance music, video, and use of the titantron.
When he came out you will clearly see how they are using “Dashing” in the theme having it in the video and on the entrance way.
Once he appears part of the entrance becomes a digital mirror, he turns and checks him self out before heading to the ring. I though the hole thing was excellent and very well thought out, a very, very good entrance.
It leads into a good match and of cores the dashing one prevailed.

Matt Hardy tagged with Christian to take on Vance Archer and Kurt Hawkins. Vance and Kurt won due to Christian leaving the match.

We also saw the continuation of the S.E.S story.
Punk and Gallows came to the ring, Serena then came out to answer for her actions, she says sorry for what she did and that she did what she did because of the feelings she has for Punk. Gallows then said that she can’t choose weather or not she will stay in the S.E.S. and that she should just leave.
Punk then took the microphone and said that he was right, Serena can’t choose weather or not she stays, its Punk that chooses. Punk made that very clear to Gallows who seemed to of been taking charge of the situation. Gallows turned away from Punk when Punk said he forgave Serena. Gallows then walked away in huff.
This story is interesting and I’m not sure where its heading, but I suspect that the S.E.S is slowly falling apart. I hope Serena breaks loose soon, she is great in the ring as I have seen some of her matches (before the head shaving) when she was still in the FCW, and even with the shaved head you can tell she is very attractive, I want her to show us what she can do in a match as well as grow her hair back out.

It looks like SmackDown! Has picked up just like Raw has, I don’t know what it is WWE have done behind the scenes, but please, don’t stop!
Even as a PG company the shows they are producing are great.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the WWE don’t mess things up, and we keep seeing some quality WWE programming.
There is always room for improvement though, unfortunately any improvements that could be made would involve dropping the PG rating and changing it back to a rated 15 to 18 programming which we know what happen for quite a while.

Anyway that is all for now Matty.D signing off.

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